SkyIT: ORION (Website/Mobile App)


- Team UX Designer (team of 5 people)

- Team UI Researcher (team of 5 people)


- Fully developed, fully launched, website & mobile site

- Fleet Aviation website & mobile, fully launched, booking site

Timeline: June - July 2023

Overview: ORION is GBCS' landing site and homepage for those who want to join the company or explore what GBCS is and how it affects the world. Click here!


An application site that reflects what you are applying for.

When applying to a company the application site should indicate what the companies morals, ethics and work are about. Interns were given a month to create a mobile and desktop site that would be used as the application hub for incoming interns and job applicants.

- Orion is an application page, having a clear direct space where applicants can search resources and information about GBCS, is crucial to any company during a hiring process.

- An easy to use application site that helps the GBCS company grow allowing applications to be submitted with ease.

- The goal of ORION during its creation process was to make a mobile and web application  that was easy to access for clients of GBCS. The creation of ORION was not just for the merchants, but for the consumers and applicants  as well. 

- Finding the medium of what both merchants and consumers wanted was what the final deliverables were of this project.

Research + Contributions:

Working together to produce the best results.

My team (5 people) had everyone in the group pick a research method and study it, then share it in our bi-weekly meetings. So how did I contribute?

- Quota Sampling: is non-random sampling where you divide those who you sample into sub categories/groups.

- Proceeding my team used my suggestion of quota sampling, the reason being we needed to look at different groups of people while researching this project. These people were all under the same umbrella group, just separated by the reason the would be using our application:

- Applicant

- Applicant Receiver 

- Admin

- Consumer

- Merchant

Other Contributions: Aside from leading research, I also worked to ensure that our low and high fidelity wireframes reflected our end goal and design standard.  

- Pitched low fidelity wireframes

- Designed high fidelity wireframes


The pages below show just a few of my contributions while building this site. For a more in-depth look at my contributions feel free to check out to click here!


Teamwork + Communication: I joined as a team leader halfway through this project, having to not only catch up with the project but also manage was a rigorous start. I learned the value of always communicating with the people you are working with. Setting up bi-weekly meetings where asking questions and voicing concerns was a main focus really helped push this project through its end stages.

Organization: Organization is a crucial skill when working on any project, as I mentioned before I organized bi-weekly meetings for my team. This consisted off having to create schedules that were flexible and worked with everyone. Learning to manage not only my own time but a teams makes me much more comfortable leading groups when working toward a set deadline.